Welcome to the rewarding experience of teaching!

You might be wondering why the name of this blog? It is because I believe that teaching is a project of life, and when you have a project you expect a successful result, and when you finally get it and you are able to see it you feel so happy because you made it! Every day in class is a step iun your project and at the end of the course when you see how students have improved, and they come to you and tell you “teacher, thank you for everything” you know you have succeeded. Feel free to leave any comments and constructive criticism; we are all here to learn. I hope you enjoey it and once again: Welcome!

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The greater teacher inspires.”

- William Arthur Ward

Materials for Technical English for Accountants and Administrators.

These courses use the book a lot! Unfortunately there is no much I had the time to add. However here are some things that might help. It is very important to add that both courses cover the exact same topics regarding grammar.

Accounting Vocab Video
Affixes Presentation
Modals Presentation Nominal Phrases Presentation Adjectives and Pronouns In these courses some students tend to ask the difference between British and American English. This video is very helpful to make students see the difference in accent depending on the country and the city.

At the end of these courses I wanted to make students reflect on the importance of studying English. I ask them why they thought it is important and then I told them many different reasons besides getting a job. And just to have fun, I told them that if they wanted to audition for American Idol, if they knew English this won't happen to them. This really made them laugh. Click on the link and have fun everyone!

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