Welcome to the rewarding experience of teaching!

You might be wondering why the name of this blog? It is because I believe that teaching is a project of life, and when you have a project you expect a successful result, and when you finally get it and you are able to see it you feel so happy because you made it! Every day in class is a step iun your project and at the end of the course when you see how students have improved, and they come to you and tell you “teacher, thank you for everything” you know you have succeeded. Feel free to leave any comments and constructive criticism; we are all here to learn. I hope you enjoey it and once again: Welcome!

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The greater teacher inspires.”

- William Arthur Ward

Tips for everyone

Know your audience
Try to get to know for students as much as you can. Their background, their experience learning the language, where do they come from, their learning style, etc. This will help you to create activities they enjoy and they find meaningful for their learning process.

Use significative examples
Find simple examples that they can relate to their own lives. Find usual situations to present as examples and give them context. Dig into their memory and activate their schema. This way they can imagine the situation and it is going to be easier for them to remember.

Make them laugh!
Although there are times you have to be serious, bring something you know they will have some fun with. An image, a video, a story, an example. Laughing is always helpful, it relaxes your students, and it keeps them awake!

Always provide clear instructions

Before any activity, make sure you provide all the needed instructions and that students really understood them. It will ensure the success of you activity, while not doing so there will be very high probabilities that the students will get lost or that the objective of the activity will not be achieved.

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